EITA - Entertainment, Education, Interaction and Applied Technologies

EITA – Entertainment, Education, Interaction and Applied Technologies


Oficina de Histórias Não Lineares com Figma

Oficina de Histórias Não Lineares com Figma

Venha fazer história com a gente! 📝🎮 Participe da estreia da primeira oficina de “Histórias não-lineares com Figma” do Diversão Séria. Através dela, você poderá ter a experiência de aprender…

Game Prototyping Workshop

Game Prototyping Workshop

Explore the world of game creation with us! Have you ever had an amazing idea for a game, but don't know where to start to make it a reality? Or maybe…

5th Serious Fun & Ada Days Workshop

The V Serious Fun & Ada Days Workshop was held


The EITA group (Entertainment, education, interaction and applied technologies) is a research group at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), whose purpose is to develop games and technologies that aim to improve social well-being.